List of Episode links
(current as of 02:25, 16 July 2024 (UTC))
For best use, highlight the episode link and copy it to the clipboard, then paste it onto the destination page where needed.
Mostly used for the Prior/Next entries on the Episode infobox.
Updating the list
To update the list, copy the following markup, open the page to edit (click on the pencil), and paste it on a blank line below the entry preceding it:
: <code><nowiki>[[Episode ?|epiTitle]]</nowiki></code>
- Replace ? with the episode's number with no leading zeroes
- Replace epiTitle with the episode's title
The list
[[Episode 1|Lost in thoughts]]
[[Episode 2|The Light Tower]]
[[Episode 3|The Game Begins]]
[[Episode 4|Nice Timing]]
[[Episode 5|Maelstrom Round 2!]]
[[Episode 6|Shifty Partner]]
[[Episode 7|Fears]]
[[Episode 8|Ocean Facts 1]]
[[Episode 9|We RIDE]]
[[Episode 10|The Mirror!]]
[[Episode 11|Tentacle Nonsense]]
[[Episode 12|The Final Struggle]]
[[Episode 13|Ocean Facts 2!]]
[[Episode 14|Scypho Backstory]]
[[Episode 15|Bigger Fish to Worry About]]
[[Episode 16|Airbreather]]
[[Episode 17|Jellyfish Man??]]
[[Episode 18|Barracuda Fight]]
[[Episode 19|Pls Fite Me]]
[[Episode 20|Endling]]
[[Episode 21|The Dohrnii]]
[[Episode 22|Negotiations]]
[[Episode 23|New Pact]]
[[Episode 24|The Keyholder's Burden]]
[[Episode 25|Goodbye Dohrnii]]
[[Episode 26|Ocean Facts]]
[[Episode 27|The Submarine (Q&A!)]]
[[Episode 28|Honey]]
[[Episode 29|Marine Orders of the World]]
[[Episode 30|A New Threat]]
[[Episode 31|Dangerous Water]]
[[Episode 32|Stranded Deep]]
[[Episode 33|The Nightlife]]
[[Episode 34|The Siren's Call]]
[[Episode 35|A Welcoming Grin]]
[[Episode 36|Harsh Words]]
[[Episode 37|Ocean Facts!]]
[[Episode 38|Deep Sea Suit]]
[[Episode 39|Dreamboat]]
[[Episode 40|Hear Me Sing]]
[[Episode 41|The Hunt Begins]]
[[Episode 42|Guess We'll Die!]]
[[Episode 43|Sparks Between Us]]
[[Episode 44|It Can't End Like This]]
[[Episode 45|Q&A!!!]]
[[Episode 46|Holy Octokid]]
[[Episode 47|Bargains]]
[[Episode 48|Ocean Facts!]]
[[Episode 49|Baby Battery]]
[[Episode 50|Otherworldly]]
[[Episode 51|Welcome to Our Club!]]
[[Episode 52|Useless]]
[[Episode 53|Something Comforting]]
[[Episode 54|You've Only Said It To Yourself]]
[[Episode 55|Spearfishing!]]
[[Episode 56|Shark Keyholder]]
[[Episode 57|Seal Pup]]
[[Episode 58|Keyholder Bonds]]
[[Episode 59|Sparring]]
[[Episode 60|Pirates Aboard]]
[[Episode 61|Crabby Bot]]
[[Episode 62|Sneaky Mirror]]
[[Episode 63|Beach Collab!]]
[[Episode 64|Shadow Tentacle Plan]]
[[Episode 65|Snake Chase]]
[[Episode 66|Sparky Plan]]
[[Episode 67|Weaponized Octopus Child]]
[[Episode 68|Electrifying Pool Party]]
[[Episode 69|Let's Throw Down!]]
[[Episode 70|Drain Escape]]
[[Episode 71|Bulletproof]]
[[Episode 72|Holiday Collab!]]
[[Episode 73|Ocean Facts]]
[[Episode 74|Jet Ski Getaway]]
[[Episode 75|Toxic Girl]]
[[Episode 76|Fearsome Pirates]]
[[Episode 77|Rescue Plan]]
[[Episode 78|Execution]]
[[Episode 79|Buckle Up!]]
[[Episode 80|Creepy Mermay Collab]]
[[Episode 81|Worst Case Scenario (almost!)]]
[[Episode 82|Mersummer Collab]]