Levin meets Pezci at the entrance to the park where Lepto is playing the piano and singing. He tries to dissuade her from following the music, but she's too far gone to listen, simply asking if he can't hear the music coming from the park.[3]
Levin's species is based on the dumbo octopus[1], a genus of deep sea octopuses known as umbrella octopuses.[2]
Levin is a small octopus, his size in this case being attributable to his youth, with the typical eight radial arms. These arms are connected to one another with a membrane, forming an umbrella like structure when his legs are splayed, though in Levin's case, the membrane isn't as pronounced. He has two prominent ear-like fins which extend from the mantle above each eye that he uses to swim with. It's the fins' resemblance to Disney's character Dumbo's ears that gives the species its name. There are two siphons on either side of his mantle, but unlike his cousins living in the sunlight depths, he doesn't use them for propulsion, relying only on his fins for movement. The siphons are used exclusively for breathing by moving water across his gills. He also doesn't have an ink sac, since ink in the benthic depths would provide no benefit.[1][2]
He has a glowing symbol consisting of crescent horns, with lines radiating out from the sides of the horns, and it appears to be floating just above his rounded mantle. He seems to be quite intelligent, and he has several unusual talents, including the following:
- He's able to resist the siren's lure.[3][4] When asked about that, he guesses if might be because he's a kid.[5]
- He communicates telepathically, that is, he talks in people's heads.[6][7] This ability is confirmed by Andreafishy in her Author's Comment at the end of Guess We'll Die!.
- He is able to produce a huge discharge of electricity as a defensive measure, not unlike an electric eel might but at a significantly higher voltage, basically electrocuting everyone around him. The first time he did this it was purely by instinct when he was threatened with being eaten by Lepto, and at the time he was unaware that he could do that.[8]
Chapter 4[]
Levin is at the entrance to the park when the music begins. He is not totally immune to its effect, but he is able to resist it, and he attaches himself to a large nearby rock protruding from the mud, hanging on with all his might by all eight arms. He attempts to warn off Pezci when she comes by, but he doesn't succeed, complaining that 'they' never listen.[3] Scypho finds him still adhering to the rock he's chosen to hide behind. He stays hunkered down until Scypho approaches him and asks if he's seen a damselfish girl with silver hair, three spots, and a very terrified expression on her face. Taking a thoughtful pose, the young octopus responds that he hasn't, but he has seen a damselfish girl with silver hair, three spots, and a very hypnotized expression on her face. Scypho offers his guess that they're talking about the same person. Shrugging with two of his tentacles, Levin tells them it doesn't matter, because she's a goner anyway. Holding his head and looking confused, Scypho wonders why it feels like he can hear the kid's voice in his head. Levin advises them to hide behind a rock, saying it's much more comfortable and safe. Scypho loses his patience and asks the octopus if he actually saw where Pezci went. With his eyes closed, Levin simply points toward the path into the park with a tentacle, and Scypho swims off in the direction indicated. Levin cracks one eye open and peeks at Scypho, then opening the other eye, he pushes off from his safe rock and follows them.[6]
He eventually catches up with them near the pavilion, and he attaches himself to a rock to hide behind. The little octopus opens one eye to see what's happening, and when he sees Pezci leaving with her new friend, he concludes she's really a goner now. He listens to Scypho fretting about what he can do now, and he suggests finding a good rock to hide behind. He looks at the Mirror, wondering what they're all talking about, and the Mirror looks the question back, when suddenly and out loud, he realizes they're talking about Lepto, the terror of the deep and big trouble. Seeing Scypho and the Mirror panic, he tells them he's sure they can always find a new friend, maybe not around there though, because most of the fish are kind of mean… After going back and forth, Scypho decides on a plan of action. The little octopus watches Scypho race off, holding up two tentacles and showing a shrug to any onlookers, indicating you can't help some people.[9]
Scypho and Shin arrive at the bandstand at the center of the city's park. Scypho notices something nearby. The little octopus guy he spoke to earlier is still holding onto his rock, and doing a good job of blending in; even the symbol floating above his head has grown dim. Scypho approaches the octopus, and when he opens an eye, Scypho asks if the kid knows where Pezci and Lepto went, and as an afterthought if he can lead them. The octopus kid wakes up all the way and notices Shin, and he comments that Scypho brought another friend. The octopus tells Scypho that he doesn't know if he wants to get involved, saying that Lepto is pretty scary. Scypho promises he'll find the octopus a bigger rock to hide behind, and the Mirror shows a shopping cart chock full of big rocks. The idea seems to appeal to the little guy, and he agrees as he pops up in front of them, but he assures them it's kind of like suicide to go after Lepto. The Mirror shows an image of a hunting gulper eel with its mouth partially open. The danger of it all really appeals to Shin, and he declares it sounds like a good challenge. Scypho decides to finally ask for the kid's name, and the kid seems uncertain as he tells them they can call him Levin, not saying if that's actually his name. Looking thoughtful, he tells them that maybe they have a chance if they try a little tactic he learned recently.[7]
The three of them arrive at the shipwreck Levin has discovered is where Lepto would take his victims to have some privacy. Shin does something to the hull that creates a loud crashing sound, and Scypho screams at him, asking what he is doing. Shin yells back that he's trying to fix this, whatever this might be. Scypho grumbles that at this rate, they're going to be rescuing a corpse, and Shin whines that he hasn't used the suit in a long time, and it's still warming up. As the argument heats up, Levin cowers between them, shivering anxiously. Scypho loudly accuses Shin of holding them back, saying that maybe if he didn't have to use the suit at all, they'd have found her by now. Shin shouts back it's either the suit or his death.[7]
Holding position near the stern of the shipwreck Levin has brought them to, Shin is repeatedly tapping at a button on his deep sea suit, impatiently cursing the recalcitrant system, while Levin worriedly looks on. A relay suddenly clicks, and the two snorkel jets start blasting out water, getting a satisfied reaction from Shin. Levin looks at the streams and scratches his head, then he offers up the earmuffs he's been holding onto. He suggests that even though the 'muffs came out of the garbage, they should be enough to block Lepto's singing, but they should put them on soon or else they'll both be done for. Looking around, he tells them he hopes they haven't been detected so far—[4]
A soft melody drifts through the water, the power of the siren sparkling in the music as it reaches out to the group. Thoroughly panicked, Levin starts screeching at them to put the earmuffs on now. Scypho and Shin bobble their earmuffs, unable to get them on in time, and Scypho falls victim immediately. Looking defeated, Levin gives up on their plan. Shin, though, is confused and doesn't know what to make of Scypho's behavior. Not understanding and concerned, Shin is baffled by the jellyfish's behavior and doesn't knowing what to say, but Levin is just angry.[4]
Demented laughter echoes from above, and Levin looks up, quaking and terrified by what he sees above them. Shin notices Levin's reaction and looks up too, trying to see what has Levin so upset. Lying prone on a plank extending out from the hull of the shipwreck, Lepto looks down on the boys with a malicious smile and tells them they're brave to come out this far from the city. Showing off a mouthful of sharply pointed teeth, he wonders if they didn't know there are monsters around the area. Speaking offhandedly, he mentions to Levin that it's nice to see him again. Levin is badly shocked to find out he'd been noticed. Lepto waves the glowing tip of his tail languidly through the water above him as he casually insinuates that Levin is bringing more victims to get Lepto to stop hunting him. He gives Levin a broad wink and suggests that if Levin keeps it up, he might actually quit all that, asking what he thinks. Turning away, Levin dejectedly concedes the plan was a total failure.[4]
Rubbing his chin, Lepto frowns and admits that he knows his song doesn't affect the octopus, but he looks at Shin and wonders why it hasn't affected him. Understanding finally dawns on Shin's face, and he tells them he can't hear much whenever he's inside his suit. He admits he's just been reading everyone's lips the entire time. Both Lepto and Levin look surprised by this revelation, and Levin asks if it's for real, that he's been doing that the whole time. Lepto sighs and dramatically complains that he works so hard on his music, that Shin's really missing out here. Shin challenges Lepto, questioning if he's the thing that has everyone freaked out. Levin is utterly terrified now, and he takes a death grip on Shin's arm, telling him to swim away now. Not to be deterred, Shin laughs and says the guys had him thinking they needed to slay a monster. Lepto begins to grin madly as Shin points and tells Levin he's just some regular weirdo.[4]
Once again laughing maniacally, Lepto's mouth begins to gape open far beyond what it should be able to, and he lunges at Shin. Panic stricken by the attack and the sudden horrific change in their enemy, Shin swears a blistering oath and dodges Lepto's initial rush with Levin still tightly wrapped around his left bicep. The little octopus remonstrates with him, shouting he'd told him. Lepto slides past them and turns to look back at the madly fleeing human with the little octopus gripping him tightly, the snorkel jets blasting away. Grinning viciously, Lepto calls to them in a sing-song voice with his siren's power flowing out from him, and he asks where they're going, telling them he just wants to sing them a song~♪[4]
With his mouth gaping wide as only a gulper eel can, Lepto is in hot pursuit of Shin and Levin. Shin's waterjets are just strong enough to keep them just out of reach as he tries to escape, screaming in his helmet the entire time. Levin is hanging onto Shin's arm for dear life, shaking with fear. Passing Scypho, they crash through a window and head into the interior of the shipwreck. Behind him, Lepto also enters the ship by crashing through a glass window. Inside the derelict ship, Shin complains that it's so dark even with his searchlights on, and Lepto is close behind. With his mouth fully extended, Lepto calls to Shin, telling him to come back, that he only wants to have a nice chat. Shin is no fool, and he shouts back that chatting is bad. He gets his waterjets to fire off a burst of power, and the backwash throws Lepto back, forcing him to protect his face and pull in his mouth. Keeping some distance from Lepto and his lethal grin, Shin comments he's never seen a maw like that on an actual person. He notes that Levin has run into him before, and asks how he would suggest they fight him. Levin answers that he doesn't really know because in all of his encounters, he just hides behind a rock.[10]
Taking advantage of Shin's distraction, Lepto catches up with him and suggests that he's found a little sweet talk and a cheeky smile always wins folks over, shocking Shin and terrifying Levin. Shin fires his speargun at Lepto's face, shouting at him to get away and calling him a freak. Lepto easily dodges the human's clumsy shot, and follows him with his mouth extended as Shin caroms off rusty pillars in his haste to get away. The impacts set the unstable ship to shaking, and the eel yells at him to settle down, protesting he'll cause a cave-in if he keeps that up. Lepto picks up a rusty length of broken off pipe or railing from somewhere, and hefting it like a javelin, he yells at Shin to slow down. He gives the makeshift spear a mighty throw, and despite Levin's warning to watch out, it catches Shin between the side of his helmet and a waterjet snorkel, and it ends up pinning him to a wall. Lepto yells triumphantly that he's caught him and coils himself around the human and octopus. He tells Shin with a friendly smile that he really should listen to his singing, claiming it's his only redeeming quality.[10]
He wraps his hands around Shin's helmet, saying it'll be easier if he just listens to him. Becoming much less friendly, he frowns and tugs hard at the helmet, insisting it come on. Shin cries out, yelling that's not cool. He reaches for the controls on his cuff, aiming his searchlights toward Lepto and cranking them up to full brightness. The sudden intense illumination is more than Lepto's deep sea eyes can take and it blinds him. Levin develops some courage and lets go of Shin's arm and swims over to the javelin and pulls it out, freeing Shin to move and yelling for him to go. They jet out of there, leaving the currently blinded Lepto to curse shallow folks and their bright lights while he rubs his eyes.[10]
Levin has now secured a grip on Shin's left arm, and he's looking back to where they left Lepto. The light-blinded siren is singing again, and his music is reflecting around the derelict hull, helping him find his prey by echolocation.[11] Listening to his song, Levin worriedly says that's not good. Still moving away from engaging with Lepto, Shin declares that he has to find Pezci, reasoning that since Lepto didn't have a Key on his hand, she must still be alive. Levin warns Shin that Lepto is locating him with his song. Speaking confidently, Shin tells him it's a good thing he can't hear it, but recognizing what the eel is doing, the little octopus cautions that's not the issue here. Levin can see Lepto is gaining on them with his huge, terrifying grin.[5]
Speeding along, Levin hears Shin ask himself what he's doing, stating that he's an experienced monster hunter, and he should be fighting back. With a look of fierce determination, Shin glances back, and when he reaches the position he likes, he secures a spear from his thigh quiver and loads his speargun while spinning around to face the enemy, his sudden movement causing Levin's 'ears' to flap in the 'breeze'. Levin watches as Shin fires his spear toward Lepto and apparently misses, but then the spear hits its real target. It strikes the last bit of cabling that's holding an old hatch cover in position where it has fallen through the ceiling, and the old hatch cover comes down, falling straight for the now frightened Lepto. The cover slams down, but instead of landing on the gulper eel, it lands on the braced Mirror being held in place upright by the thoroughly smitten Scypho, preventing the falling cover from hitting Lepto. With debris falling like muddy rain all around, Scypho boasts that he stopped the obstruction, hoping that Lepto will notice him now. With a snarl, Lepto slithers past Scypho and the Mirror, telling him he's definitely noticed, and causing Shin to make a disgusted noise in the back of his throat. Levin gives Shin a look of disdain and says he thought Shin was going to shoot him or something, and Shin responds defensively that his plan should have worked.[5]
Levin hears Lepto order his gals to take out Shin's lights, and the three anglerfish go after him, munching on his searchlights and the joints of his suit. Getting desperate, Shin asks Levin if he isn't able to do anything, but he only looks away, saying he could if there were any rocks nearby. Shin successfully drives off the anglers, telling the Levin he's sure if he can find Pezci, she'll be able to help. With smiling eyes, Levin laughs and tells him that she's worse than the red guy (Scypho), and that he's afraid Shin's the only hope left. Shin declares she's a Planifron, and that he can talk some sense into her. He assures Levin the Planifron are trained to become immune to all kinds of attraction, earning a skeptical look from the little octopus. He asks Levin why the siren's singing doesn't work on him, and Levin answers that he's not sure, guessing maybe it's because he's just a kid.[5]
Shin spots Pezci in her prison cage, and he calls out to her, and she and the anglerfish in her arms happily wave to Shin with smiling faces. He rushes over and tests the strength of the bars, and he gently appeals to her, asking if she could, y'know, "HELP ME!" Looking confused and hugging the smiling anglerfish, she asks in a surprised voice if he wants to come in too. Getting aggravated, Shin waves his clawed arm and tells her no, he's trying to get her out of there. The pet's smile turns devilish as she watches Shin's frustration. Wrapping both arms around the smirking fish, Pezci says she doesn't want to leave, because that might upset Lepto. From up on the shattered overhang, Lepto looks down and tells a surprised Shin that it would greatly upset him. The fish in Pezci's arms is simply happy again, and Pezci herself is smiling and blushing. Lepto drops down to the cage, wrapping himself around it with a swoosh, knocking Shin back and daring him with a look to do something about it. The girls just sit there and smile. Shin drags his clawed feet on the ground, stopping his involuntary slide backward. He holds out the arm with the speargun — the same arm the quaking Levin is grasping — and says there will be no more messing around. Shin gives Lepto the ultimatum to either release his friend or Shin will spear him.[5]
Shin has issued an ultimatum: Release my friend or I will spear you! Levin is basically a passenger at this point, and an observer of all that passes. Lepto is reclining on top of Pezci's cage, obviously less than intimidated. Instead, he mocks Shin and points out he only has the one spear. Pezci speaks up, too, telling Shin to stop being rude, saying she doesn't want him to spear anybody. Waving his arms around in frustration, Shin tells her to snap out of it, and asks her if she can't tell that Lepto just wants to take the Golden Key and eat her. Pezci say she knows and was just about to give it to him. Lepto looks down and starts singing, using his siren's power to order her to make with the hand chopping. Shin has had enough, and he fires his last spear, telling the freak to eat harpoon. Levin helps with aiming Shin's arm by sighting down the barrel, and the barbed spear heads directly for the eel, but at the last instant, he dodges and the spear embeds itself in a broken pillar behind the cage. Lepto pulls the spear from the pillar and proceeds to chomp on the harpoon, cheerfully eating the metal shaft. Shin is appalled, and he tells Levin he didn't actually expect Lepto to eat it.[8]
Giving him a toothy grin, Lepto tells Shin and Levin not to worry, he always makes sure his prey dies quickly. Shin is badly shaken by Lepto's demonstration, and with no faith in his words, he tells Lepto that the suit is very sturdy, that it's too much work to get into the meaty interiors. Lepto is undeterred, and he opens wide as he moves towards the two of them with Shin screaming in his helmet that it's not worth it. Levin suddenly stiffens and screams wordlessly, and he glows with a bright white light. In the same moment, huge bolts of electricity start coursing through Levin and then out to everyone in the vicinity, electrocuting them all, friend or foe. When it's over, the only one untouched is Levin, floating between Shin and Pezci, and he doesn't know what to say. Shin's suit and Pezci's cage are both hot enough to cause the water to sizzle where it touches. It seems Lepto took the brunt of the blast, and he is lying unconscious on the deck, while Shin, Pezci and the anglerfish are all just disoriented. Getting to his feet, Shin demands to know why Levin hadn't done that earlier, and the youngster answers anxiously that he didn't know he could do that. In the cage, the badly scorched Pezci is holding her head, asking what happened. Looking around frantically, she demands to know where she is and what's going on. Shin rushes to her as she reaches through the bars, begging him to let her out. Having regained consciousness, Lepto rushes over and gets between them, telling them not so fast, and he uses his tail to smack Shin several times, pushing him away from the cage. Looking lost, Pezci appeals to Lepto, telling him her mind is all blurry and asking how did they get there.[8]
He pays her no mind, simply speaking over her to tell Shin that he'd found her first, telling Shin he can't take the Keyholder. His declaration causes Pezci's eyes to widen in surprise as she starts to realize Lepto is not her friend. Lepto tells them with a snarl that the Light Tower is his only chance to restore his old life, and there's no way he'll let a bunch of chumps steal his Key. Shin hears Pezci blurt out that she thought he wanted to be friends, and the pain of betrayal is clear in her voice. He turns to her with a greedy smile and tells her he actually does like her, but this is the deep sea. He tells her that in this world, it's eat or be eaten, and he's a predator and she's obviously prey, adding that her Key is a pretty good added bonus. Pezci shields her hand from their view and huddles in on herself, quivering and facing away from Lepto in her cage. Standing behind them and listening to all this, Shin is getting angry again and assumes a combative posture, with Levin once again clinging to his bicep and watching everything fearfully.[8]
To everyone's surprise, someone is screaming angrily in the background. Yelling out to Lepto that he'll protect him, Scypho comes boiling out of the cargo hold Shin had used earlier, preparing to swing the Mirror which has extruded an axe blade with a grotesquely jagged edge out of its glass. The nasty axe blade seems to be encrusted with old blood and other petrified bits, and with a snarl, Scypho tells his targets — presumably Shin and Levin — to die, calling them fiends.[8]
Levin is wrapped around Shin's right bicep using all eight arms, four by four, when Scypho angrily attacks Shin using the Mirror's axe blade that extends from its glass, yelling to Lepto that he'll protect him. Shin easily evades his clumsy swings, shouting angrily at Scypho to stop being stupid. Shin looks at Levin and orders him to do the shocky thing again. Looking very uncertain of himself, he stammers that he doesn't know if he's able, but Scypho chooses that moment to lunge with the Mirror, nearly stabbing Shin with the trident's tines, then the Mirror retracts the axe and releases the sea spider monster right in Levin's face. The Mirror doesn't get the chance to fully unleash the monster before the badly frightened octopus instinctively reacts and releases a huge discharge of electricity into the water, and since everybody is in the vicinity, everybody gets some, and everyone convulses from the electricity coursing through their bodies.[12]
Once again, Levin is the only one left unscathed, and he's worried that this time he's killed the others, seeing as they're all now lying about on the deck. The Mirror, however, is showing a healthy heart monitor trace on its glass. Scypho is the first to recover, disoriented and wondering how they got to the top of the ship so quickly. Shin is the next to arise, complaining his suit is going to start malfunctioning if this keeps up. Levin plops to the ground at Shin's feet, and he watches Scypho curiously as something suddenly seems to occur to the jellyfish. Pointing at the cage, he excitedly tells Shin that he's found Pezci. Lepto recovers next, and getting back on top of the cage, he tells the others very aggressively that he's still not giving up the Key, shaking the cage with the intensity of his declaration. Pezci and the pets are recovering but they're still mostly out of it. Levin sees it when recognition dawns on Scypho's face, and he announces that Lepto is that famous singer that got blacklisted, telling that singer he's all washed up now. Lepto becomes outraged, asking Scypho how he dares say that, claiming it's not his fault he got blacklisted. Tugging compulsively at his necktie, Lepto reminisces that shows just tend to get a little crazy sometimes. He insists he didn't mean to eat all those people, that he tried his best to resist.[12]
Suddenly becoming enraged, Lepto snarls with an expanding mouth that it doesn't matter anymore. He claims that with a Key he'll be able to restore his music career, shaking the cage for emphasis. Scypho tries to negotiate with Lepto over Pezci and her Key, but Lepto shuts that down by reminding him that all he has to do is hum one little tune and they're all under his control again. Next he tries to threaten Lepto with having Levin shock him, but Lepto blocks that using Pezci's health. Finally, Shin has had enough. He goes on the offensive and grabs the Mirror from Scypho, and as he loads the shaft into his speargun, he tells Lepto if they can't shock him, then he can take this instead. Scypho tries to protect the Mirror, absently tossing Levin aside, but Shin launches the Mirror anyway, and no sooner it's in flight, then it extrudes a high-speed circular saw blade. It strikes the ceiling behind the cage and tears into it, causing extensive damage. The Mirror then goes on a rampage, ripping through the rotting decks of the ship's forecastle and destroying the support structure.[12]
With one last ripping cut directly above Lepto, the Mirror returns to Scypho. The decks above Lepto immediately collapse, having been weakened by the Mirror just so this would happen. The wreckage piles up on top of Lepto, rendering him unconscious. Scypho takes the dazed Mirror in hand, telling the others he thinks that's their cue to go. Pezci and Shin, with Levin now clinging to his elbow, are looking at where Lepto's tail juts out from under the pile of wreckage. As they begin their retreat, the musical strains of Lepto singing to Pezci catches up with them. The siren is using his song to call them back to help him get out from under the wreckage. Pezci, Scypho and the Mirror are immediately enthralled and quickly agree, each in their own way.[12]
Shin throws his arms in the air in frustration, and Levin manages a little spark at the end of one of his arms. He doesn't give them the chance to respond, instead bringing his arms down and grabbing them up, one to an arm, with a determined looking Levin giving them each their own experimental electroshock treatment. Shin has taken them some distance from the shipwreck when the forecastle completely collapses, presumably burying Lepto and his pets under all the debris. Looking up at Shin from where she's being carried under his arm, Pezci tells him she's grateful for his saving her, but then asks what's up with the weird suit. Shin snaps back that it's not weird, with Levin watching his reaction with interest.[12]
Shin approaches his submarine, being pushed along by the waterjets in the shoulders on his suit, still hauling Pezci and Scypho under his arms, and with Levin hitching a ride on his left arm. Reaching the vessel, Levin swims off to the side by himself, and Shin tosses the other two to the ground, and they all begin to argue. Levin hovers between Pezci and Scypho, beginning to look stressed around the eyes. He becomes more tense and more distressed the longer the others argue, until he's finally had enough and he intervenes, shouting for them to stop already. Getting angry, he tells them they're lucky to have escaped. He informs them of how Lepto's been relentlessly hunting this area. Levin's face is haunted by the memory of being hunted, and he says he's been hiding from the siren for awhile, but his hunger has gotten more desperate. Turning to Pezci, he reminds her that he tried to warn her, but she's distracted by the light forming around him. He's starting to glow, and he's showing a bit of a halo. Looking at the tips of his arms, he says it's a good thing he discovered this shock ability he has.[13]
The light shining from the symbol he wears is becoming intense and flaring rainbows as he says that, to be honest, he still doesn't know what he's capable of after all. With the others all staring at him wide-eyed and looking a little wild-eyed herself, Pezci grabs her head and asks why she hears his voice in her head. Shin shades his eyes with his arm and suggests that they should just leave the weird octopus kid alone and go back inside. Leaving the little octopus by himself on the sea floor, the three of them make their way up to the main hatch. Scypho and Pezci look over at him, and Pezci reaches up and taps Shin on the arm to get his attention. The three of them watch as the little guy pushes sand around on the seafloor, but it's Shin, showing some concern, that asks Levin if he doesn't have anywhere to go. Looking depressed and lonely, with his skintone a little blue, he admits that he doesn't really. Shin calls down to the kid and asks if he wants to come inside for a bit, telling him that shock ability might help them out a lot. Levin brightens up and his skintone even pinks up some, and he eagerly replies okay. He scoops his arms together sharply, launching himself up toward the railing.[13]
Chapter 5[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ocean Facts!
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Grimpoteuthis
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Siren's Call
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Here Me Sing
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Guess We'll Die!
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 A Welcoming Grin
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Dreamboat
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Sparks Between Us
- ↑ Harsh Words
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 The Hunt Begins
- ↑ Echolocation in Wiktionary
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 It Can't End Like This
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Holy Octokid