Creatures of the comic
Trench worm | The trench worm is a giant polychaete, or marine worm, that normally burrows beneath the surface of the seafloor. An ambush hunter, it reacted when several fish impinged on its territory and it reached out to collect what it thought was food. The fact that the food fought back caused the worm to become agitated, and it attacked. The creature is estimated to be about sixty feet long, with the mouth opening appearing to be about ten feet wide, and having thirty-six inch-long fangs circling it. This creature first appears in The Mirror!. |
Barracuda lionfish | A monstrous fish of unknown origins that has the overall appearance and characteristics of a Sphyraena barracuda, but it is substantially larger. The barracudas that travel with the monster fish appear to be the original species of barracuda but are closer to normal proportions, growing to be about five feet long. Comparing them to the monster fish, the Barracuda lionfish would be roughly forty feet long, or about the size of a Greyhound bus. The ventral fins when presented in an aggression display clearly show the lionfish genetics. This creature first appears in Bigger Fish to Worry About. |
Sea spider monster | Long gangling spider legs evolved for a marine environment coupled to a thorax that's nothing but a mouth with massive fanged teeth and a forked serpent's tongue. And a bad temper along with a will to chomp on what's in front of it. This creature was deployed as a weapon to protect his owner, Scypho from a street tough determined to collect a bounty. This creature first appears in The Siren's Call. |
Lepto's pets | Lepto's pet anglerfish are Humpback anglerfish of the species Melanocetus johnsonii, a variety of deep-sea anglerfish with extreme sexual dimorphism. It's because of this that all of Lepto's pets are female. They have the typical bioluminescent lure hanging over the front of their bodies, something only females have as the male never hunt, surviving only long enough to find a female to latch onto. These creatures first appear in The Siren's Call. |